Hardware and Software CostsOur target setup here will be a 40-gallon breeder tank that can hold all but the most light demanding animals. If your desire is to house the light lovers, like giant clams and stony corals, just replace the identified lighting system with a more significant one and you should be just fine. Our goal here is a design based on cost and value. We choose the 40-breeder for the following reasons:
Before we go into the specific
components and costs of each, let me say that a fully stocked tank ranges
in price from $30-$50 per gallon. Yep, this setup, by the time you get
a handful of corals in it will cost you between $1200 and $2000 dollars.
I've told you this is not a cheap hobby. You can lessen the costs by
shopping yard sales, classified ads, and ebay,
but you get what someone else didn't want anymore. You can also try
the do-it-yourself approach and save money. I built my stand and canopy,
minus lights, for $65, and it is nicer than the one that was going to
cost me $150. But, for this setup, we are
going to use all off-the-shelf products so everyone has a fair shot
at it. Below is a list of mostly
mandatory, but some optional components, that will ensure you success,
and ballpark prices for each. I strongly recommend you shop around.
(See some of the suggestions in the resources
$1807, Ouch! (But look, it falls right into the $30-$50 per gallon range.) Even if you aren't intimidated with that number, please don't run out and buy all that stuff just yet. This is not all upfront money, but what you are likely to spend in an 8-10 week period. Also, everything needs to be bought in phases and you can stretch it out a little if necessary. Let's talk about putting it together now...
Copyright © 1999-2000, Scott Brown, except as otherwise noted. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in part, or in full, without the express written consent of the copyright holder. |