stand and canopy choice can be as hard or as easy as you want to make
it. You can buy a ready-made stand in the material of your choice; perhaps
pine, oak, or wrought iron. Good luck finding something that matches
your furniture, but you can get sort of close. When choosing a ready-made
unit, make sure that if you are considering running a sump, that the
stand is large enough to accommodate it, as well as some other miscellaneous
equipment, like wave makers, power strips, timers, and such. As for
the canopy, make sure that it can house enough of the type of lighting
you desire, keep them far enough off the water, and provide good access
to the tank. (See the section on lighting
for more information.)
Another option is building
you own stand. If you are even modestly handy with a saw, you can put
together a nice stand, and make a closer
match to your existing furniture than you can by ready-made. It will
cost a lot less too. If you check
there is a basic plan that you can modify for any tank size. If you
like fiddling with stuff like that, you will most likely find it rewarding,
and wind up with a better stand. Oh yeah, if you got the cash, you can
pay someone else to build it for you. Before you build though, look
at a lot of stands and decide what you like.