Reef Sources - Reef Keeping Voice Chat
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Reef Keeping Chat

Heteractis CrispaThe Reef Keeping Chat forum is a place to discuss reef keeping topics. Please remember, this is not an adult forum. Behave accordingly.

HearMe VoicePresence works with Internet Explorer 4.0 and above and Netscape 4.0 and above on Windows platforms.

You will need a microphone connected to your computer to talk. If you would like to text chat, click on Options and select "Show Text Window"

To change your name, click on Options and select "Change your name"

Press and hold the "Talk" button or the "F9" key. Anyone else visiting this web page at the same time will hear you.

To disconnect from the session, either leave the page, or click on Options and select "Turn off voice presence".

To return to the discussion, click in the discussion box.






Copyright © 1999-2000, Scott Brown, except as otherwise noted. All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced, in part, or in full, without the express written consent of the copyright holder.